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and for those that stay up late. This is about the most...

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    and for those that stay up late. This is about the most definitive statement on how the war needs to be configured for the Saudi's to get rid of the Iranian influence (Amongst other bads...) More correctly it is about how to stop the brutal barbarism of the enemy's war. This is the dilemma of a unjust peace or a just war.

    But this is also about the politics of Hadi, and his corruption. It is the effort - trials and tribulations - of the Saudi's to move forward.
    This is brilliant !

    Note date of this article compare to one posted before

    Riyadh turns its back on the interim president's followersand accuses them of espionage.

    Analysis: Hadi's alliance with the Yemeni Brotherhood ...blew up legitimacy and encouraged the Houthis Time

    Thursday 30 January 2020 10:57 PM

    Yemen's interim president, Abd Rabbuh Hadi, has underminedhis legitimacy by excluding and in alliance with terrorism - archive Analysis:Hadi's alliance with the Yemeni Brotherhood ... blew up legitimacy andencouraged the Houthis

    The political section

    Sources in the Yemeni government in exile said, "Theinterim president Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi, accompanied by his military andsecurity leaders Ali Mohsen Al-Ahmar and his office manager Abdullah Al-Alimi,attended a meeting in the Saudi joint forces.

    And the hollow.

    And official media outlets published a short news thatincluded the reference to "a military meeting chaired by President AbdRabbo Mansour Hadi, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces in the leadershipof the Saudi joint forces, to review the progress of the military battles onthe Nahham, Al-Jawf, Sarwah and other fronts."

    Sources close to Hadi told (the eighth day), "He askedthe Saudi leadership to allow him to hold a meeting in the joint forcescommand, in conjunction with the Houthi incursion into the countryside of Mariband Al-Jawf and the threat of the province, the main stronghold of theBrotherhood."

    Noting that the Saudi leadership agreed on Thursday to visitHadi and held the meeting that Hadi's loyalists were keen to show in a strongand good way, but it does not bear any importance as it is a meeting that comesin light of what Saudi Arabia believes is a "Brotherhood betrayal of theArab alliance" led by Riyadh.

    The Hadi meeting does not seem to have any significance forSaudi Arabia, which believes that its allies in North Yemen have failed to makeany military progress on the ground, on the contrary, they lost many strategiclocations and Marib and Al-Jawf came under the Houthi threat, which they cannotallow Riyadh, which has already begun to change the map of military andpolitical alliances in the north of Yemen.

    Riyadh summoned General Tariq Saleh, who is one of the mostprominent anti-Houthi and Brotherhood military leaders and enjoys a northernpopular and military base, not to mention that he is fighting a revenge war forthe killing of his uncle, former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who waskilled by the Houthis in the wake of the uprising that his forces carried outin late 2017. Tariq went to Marib and from there to Shabwa, before settling inAden, in which he established military forces, which he called the guards ofthe republic, pushing them after their rehabilitation and arming to the WestCoast front, to join the fighting alongside the southern giants forces and theaccusative resistance.

    These forces had approached the restoration of the strategicport of Hodeidah, which the Brotherhood and the Hadi government thought mightgo toward the archenemy of the organization, for the Yemeni President's interimgovernment to accelerate the signing of the Sweden agreement that was notimplemented until today, and Tariq called for declaring its failure, which thegovernment did not do.


    The concession made by the Hadi government in Hodeidahencouraged many western parties that see the temporary legitimate Yemenigovernment as the other side of the terrorist organizations, and study centerswent to warn against the consequences of Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar arriving in thepresidency of Yemen, if Hadi, who was suffering from a crisis, died. He wastransferred to the USA, the last of which was in the middle of last year. SaudiArabia tried to enhance the confidence of the West in the legitimate Yemeni governmentthat supported it, and Riyadh contributed to provide information about theinvolvement of responsible Yemeni personalities, which the American Treasurylater put on terrorist lists, but the Brotherhood considered this a target forthem, to return to reviving their alliances with the pro-Iranian Houthis,including the coalition that concluded In Saada in late 2014, the location isbetween the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Muhammad al-Yadumi, and theleader of the Houthis, Abd al-Malik al-Houthi.

    This agreement justified the brothers who had assumed powerfrom former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, because of Saudi Arabia'sclassification of them as a terrorist group. As revenge from Saudi Arabia, theBrotherhood announced the arrest of 40,000 party fighters who were on their wayto defend Sanaa , which was delivered by armored first-division forces onSeptember 21, 2014, that is, about two months after the signing of theagreement with the Houthis.

    Dr. Hood Abu Ras, director of the office of the head of theYemeni Scholars Association, Abdul Majeed Al-Zindani, said in statements to theSaudi "Al-Sharq Al-Awsat" that the "reform" leadershipcontributed to the aggravation of conditions inside Yemen, when it issued anorder to stop the advance of 40 thousand fighters to Saada. Stressing that theprocedure was "vague."

    The Brotherhood Minister of the Interior Abdo Al-Turbconsidered the Houthis as brothers of employees of the security services inSana'a, and warned against their fighting, while Al-Ahmar fled to Saudi Arabiaafter taking refuge in its embassy in Sanaa. The Brotherhood is accused ofbeing behind the release of prominent leaders of al-Qaeda. The prison inSana'a, the central prison, was heavily fortified in early 2014.

    News reports see that "Zaydism" was the mainreason for the lack of seriousness of the "authority that came after theuprising against Saleh", which is the authority of the Brotherhood, who isthe organization's leaders among the leaders of the Zaydi tribes, who do not wantto defeat any Zaidi party, considering that this means defeat For politicalZaydism, which believes that the rule of Yemen is entitled

    The Arab coalition has attempted to restore the legitimateYemeni government more than once, in the hope of pushing for a politicalsettlement, according to which Riyadh will obtain guarantees from targeting itslands or interests inside Yemen, but the Brotherhood always imposes theirimpossible conditions on the leader of the Arab coalition, and they have cometo the demand With "Apache" planes to resolve the battle with theHouthis, which Riyadh has responded by stopping financial and military supportfor the forces in Marib and reducing the salaries of the soldiers in half. Hadithought that what Riyadh was doing was targeting his "legitimacy", toleave the matter to his deputy and office manager Abdullah Al-Alimi, in theface of that, so that all officials and military leaders who do not belong tothe Brotherhood or that do not grant absolute loyalty to Hadi are isolated.

    In the face of that, Saudi Arabia found that it was facing a failed Yemeni government involved in corruption and plundering public money, and before that published documents condemning Yemeni Vice President Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar with bribing Saudi officers, and asked why the officers gave these funds, but Al-Ahmar did not comment on the matter and let him pass.

    Saudi Arabia provided President Hadi with political cover tomove in light of this, by isolating Brotherhood leaders and empoweringconference leaders, after she provided information to the American Treasuryconfirming the involvement of Brotherhood leaders in supporting and financingterrorism, all of whom are officials in the Yemeni government and the Yemeniarmy, including advisers to Hadi, and the interim president did not take anyHold on that.

    Arab and international media published reports confirmingthe Hadi government’s involvement in the alliance with terrorism . This wasconsidered by the Houthis as a political victory for them. When they wanted tobring down Yemen and the south in the interest of Iranian influence, theyraised the slogan “fighting ISIS and Al Qaeda”, a slogan that some Westernorganizations sympathize with. The Houthis, but terrorism and theseorganizations did not strike the Houthis, on the contrary, they returned tostrike the anti-Houthi and Brotherhood south together.

    Qpost has published a report on Yemeni leaders that the USTreasury has classified as terrorism lists. The site said in a report publishedin "July 2018 AD" with Qatari funding, terrorists around the Yemenipresident and his government put them on the lists of terrorism by the USTreasury, and impose punitive measures on them. "He explained that"the leaders are a number of leaders of the Reform Party - the MuslimBrotherhood branch in Yemen, They are accused of supporting al-Qaeda, as wellas Salafi leaders loyal to the Muslim Brotherhood.

    The website affirmed that "all those covered by thesanctions work in high positions in the government of President Hadi. The namescame as follows:

    Khaled al-Arada (brother of the governor of Marib), a leaderin the Islah party, the charge: financing al-Qaeda and transferring weapons tohim,

    Hashem al-Hamid: a symbol of the Islah party. The charge:facilitating the transfer of arms and the movement of individuals, to supportal-Qaeda in the peninsula

    Al-Arabiya, Abd al-Wahab al-Hamayqani: Adviser to the YemeniPresident, one of the leaders who owes allegiance to the Islah party, thecharge: funding for al-Qaeda,

    Naif al-Qaisi: the governor of al-Bayda, a leader in theIslah party, the charge: financing al-Qaeda in al-Bayda,

    Abdullah al-Zaidi: a leader of the Islah party in Ma'rib Thecharge: cooperating with Al Qaeda,

    Saeed Saleh Al Qi: A Brotherhood leader, transferring largesums from Qatar through his company as support for terrorism, and delivered itto Salah Batis,

    Al-Hassan Abaker: An official in the Yemeni army, one of theBrotherhood leaders in Al-Jawf Governorate. Charge: Cooperation with al-Qaeda,

    the Salafi leader Abdullah Al-Ahdal: accused of harboringthe organization Al-Qaeda,

    Salah Muslim Pattis: Leader of the Islah Party, an officialin the legitimate Yemeni government,

    Abdul Majeed Al-Zindani: Chairman of the Shura Council ofthe Islah Party, founder of Al-Iman University from which dozens of terroristorganizations joined.

    Over the past year, reports have confirmed the involvementof Yemeni Minister of the Interior Ahmed al-Maysari in alliance with terrorism,and international reports have published information about al-Qaida’scommander-in-chief, Al-Khadir Jadib, who is one of the most wanted Yemenis formore than a decade. During the invasion of Marib forces to the governorate ofAbyan and Shabwa, television reports showed the presence of leadership elementsin al-Qaeda fighting on the side of the forces that claim to be fighting todefend the legitimacy of President Hadi.

    The Houthis believed that the condemnation of the Hadigovernment by an alliance with terrorism was an opportunity that might givethem international and regional support, so they rushed to release prominentleaders of Al Qaeda in deals, some of them secret and others that went out tothe media. Among the most prominent of these deals is the release of terroristleaders who have been held at the Political Security prison in Sana'a since theera of the previous regime, that is, before 2011, before the war that Mariblaunched on the south in August of last year.

    In the aftermath of the war in the south, the WashingtonInstitute warned against the consequences of the expansion of forces affiliatedwith the Brotherhood to the coast of Hadhramaut, and called for the necessityof isolating the interim Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, due to hisalliance with the Brotherhood and extremist organizations.

    The Washington Institute launched warnings about theconsequences of enabling Hadi, for the militias of the Yemeni Brotherhoodstationed in Marib, to expand to the south, stressing that this constitutes athreat to the region, from terrorist organizations that have come to beprotected in Marib. .. indicating that there is no seriousness in Saudi Arabiain fighting terrorism .

    Saudi Arabia took the American warnings seriously, becausethe brothers who extend south pave the way for Turkish-Qatari influence, whichmeans Riyadh's exit from the birth of the Yemen war without benefit, and youmay lose everything that you achieved. The Riyadh party turned a blind eye tothe abusive campaigns of Abu Dhabi by the Brotherhood, but found itself in thesame fire, as many of the Yemeni organization's people were neutralizing SaudiArabia from their struggle while they were there, before Riyadh discovered thatthey were carrying out activities hostile to the Arab coalition, to expel them,and many of them go Toward Qatar and Turkey, to confirm that Riyadh is also amajor target of the international organization project aimed at overthrowingthe regime in the Kingdom.

    Saudi Arabia pushed the Yemeni government to sign the Riyadhagreement with the Southern Transitional Council, but later dealt with the longbreath policy with the Brotherhood's refusal to implement the terms of theagreement stipulating the withdrawal of the Ma'rib militias from Shabwaal-Nafiya, Abyan, and Wadi Hadramout.

    As a result of this rejection, the Brotherhood went toconcluding agreements with the Houthis and hand them over to areas in Marib, inan explicit threat to the queen and betrayal and humiliation of President Hadi,who enabled them to do everything.

    This expected Brotherhood transformation coincided withstatements made by officials loyal to Hadi, most notably Ahmed Al-Maysiri, whois based in the Sultanate of Oman, who accused Saudi Arabia of occupying andviolating what he called "Yemeni sovereignty."

    Al-Misiri stipulated that Riyadh support him in exchange forhis giving up attacking it, claiming that "Saudi Arabia, if it hasinterests in Yemen, should come from the door and not from the window."These statements did not arouse the ire of the responsibility of the Saudis whoturned their back on the loyalists of Hadi, and they went towards supportingand strengthening a certain government. Abdul-Malik, who, according to theRiyadh agreement, returned to Aden. The latter made statements against theMinister Al-Maysiri and considered that everything that he was doing did notrepresent the Yemeni government, warning against the consequences of targetingSaudi Arabia in any way.

    The Saudi press, taking advantage of government statements,went on to say that Minister of Interior Ahmed al-Misri and Minister ofTransport Saleh al-Jabwani violated Yemeni legitimacy "... accusing thetwo ministers of espionage in favor of hostile regional parties.

    With indications that the Yemeni war is nearing an end andthe situation around the final solution, Saudi Arabia is proceeding torearrange its alliances with the northern Yemeni forces, which means that theBrotherhood is no longer a political and military force that is allies ofRiyadh, which considers that what they are doing is treachery, not to those alliancesestablished by the storm storm.

    But they re-installed themselves as enemies. Saudi Arabia isworking to restore the General People's Congress party as a strong politicalparty that can be supported and counted on standing against the Houthis and theBrotherhood together, Tariq Saleh's going to Saudi Arabia, and a meeting withthe Saudi Deputy Minister of Defense, an indication that Riyadh has alreadyturned its back on Hadi and his followers.

    The son of the former president's brother and commander ofhis private guard does not recognize Hadi's legitimacy, and his flags havecondemned it for more than two years for corruption and nepotism.

    Reports confirm that Yemeni legitimacy based on"partnership with all political forces" had been overturned by Hadiby his unilateral alliance with the Brotherhood, a terrorist-classified groupeven from Saudi Arabia itself. This alliance undermined the constitutionallegitimacy of the Yemeni president, who the Houthi coup postponed, the processof transferring power from him to another elected president, but this seems toencourage another transfer of power, but after the ground is settled for this,by giving the south autonomy and empowering strong Yemeni allies and allies ofSaudi Arabia. And its neighbors in the Arabian Gulf.

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