Robodebt Royal Commission

  1. 15,590 Posts.
    I'm normally rather apologetic for decisions made by just about any politician of any flavour, because a) they aren't full quid in the brains dept, b) they are by affliliation of a hive mind, c) they have a hightened sense of self worth and entitlement to mask their frailty.

    but the reveals from the RC is beyond defending. That poh faced bureaucrats and politician would deliberately and knowningly flout rule of law to wage war on our own citizens, as useless as they were patently regarded, demand tough punitive action by the courts.

    People topped themselves out of desperation, while govt and civil servants acted out their best imitation of Commodus, uncaring and persistently diregarding legal advice both from within and the private sector without.

    I want to see the implied immunity that leading public servants and politicians enjoy removed and I want to see them stripped of their pensions and superannuation, convicted and jailed. I'm actually pissed off our nation has debased itself to this degree and I have a failry low expectation of our woke and nanny state nation these days as is.
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