Kenton, you may misunderstand what a super fund is there for, to...

  1. 791 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Kenton, you may misunderstand what a super fund is there for, to provide a service i.e. administer your superannuation account, which costs money. Whichever investment option you choose and how it performs is irrelevant to their costs (I know, they are getting paid to run the investments.
    This is why over the years retail / bundled funds are largely replaced with wholesale or platform type funds where the costs are more clearer. Industry Funds tend to bundle and hide most of the fees too and often charge a fee to process a rollout (not to mention dragging their heels etc).

    Regarding your last sentences, consider asking a Tax Agent to charge you nothing or less if you don't get a refund. Sorry, but it's called the user pays world, either you are told about it or it's hidden somewhere.
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