Romney hails the don, page-27

  1. 86,604 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    "In regards to NK, IF the dealmaker achieves just one tiny minuscule outcome regarding this topic, he will have achieved more than the 10 odd POTUS preceding,"

    arrh actually no - not correct

    Many many times the US has thought that it had made progress -- open the bubbly, turn up the music - we have got something --


    So, - it is MORE than possible - indeed - unless the stable genius picks up his little bat spits out his dummy and goes home - then, it is HIGHLY likely that he will come away with 'apparently' some sort of progress---

    that's what the Kim dynasty does - and, they do it very well - and, I suspect that Kim is either one of two things -

    a. smarter than the previous guys and very very good at cards (particularly now that he holds the nucs and missiles in his hand) - or

    b. He actually wants a very different future for his nation - which, might mean a change of game plan - but, the stakes will be quite different now - precisely because he has the nucs and the missiles (no matter how inaccurate they are - indeed, that might be even more of an advantage).

    So, into the game strolls Donald Trump - the elephant in the China shop - who, doesn't like personal confrontation -

    - the narcissist -

    now, - just for a minute - put yourself in Kims boots - friends with China, getting along ok with SK - indeed, they have workers and cross border stuff going on all the time - and, mutual friends have strong connections with Russia -

    now ------- couldn't a smart man USE a President of the USA like Trump?

    a childlike narcissistic personality with zero knowledge of history, multiple failures, zero political nous, no military experience --

    would someone like Trump not be your 'perfect pick' for negotiating a new way for you nation -- or someone to screw like the old ways?

    I could be wrong - but, I think Trump is a picture perfect guy - the one you would pick out of the whole guest list as your perfect man for the job

    Lets face it -- if he was up for jury duty -- and you were guilty - -you would pick him
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