Now that we are so sure that we are heading for mob rule its...

  1. 5,919 Posts.
    Now that we are so sure that we are heading for mob rule its time we started to begin thinking about the promising future ahead. All indications are that under Abbott (lol) Joe & Co. it is going to be free giggle time with a laugh a minute 24/7.

    Despite the incessant negativity of the mob since the usurpation of Turnbull the fact, the indistputable fact, remains that Australians are enjoying the benefits of a healthy economy, in fact the healthiest around. All going well. All should be happy but some aren't. We have had nitpicking going on with the mob attempting to divorce the state of the economy from good economic management on the part of our Labor government. Talk of little things. Little things like batts etc etc & etc. The current state of the polls is a reflection of this nitpicking. The polling figures have nothing to do with the state of our economy and with the Global Financial Circus threatening it is extraordinary that this is the case. The adage "It's the economy stupid" no longer holds when one would think that with the global economy being in crisis it would be uppermost in the mind of the voter.

    This sad state of affairs has been brought about through the political skill of Abbott. Though some would label his method as being Machiavellian, it must be admitted that the man has indeed turned out to be a very astute and cunning politician. Though this recognition does not necessarly mean approval it seems that this is the case (the polls) and Australians have, for the time being, relegated economics. Economics is now less important than snake oil capability.

    Now my guess is (and this is where the giggling comes in) that Abbott (lol) Joe & Co. will not be up to the task of governing. With the election over and the formation of government the time for nitpicking ends. The time has then arrived for management and responsibility for outcomes. The indications are that the company will not be up to the task.

    Far from seeing an end to the GFC the global economy remains on a precipice. The crisis has been the deepest and the longest running since the Great Depression and shows little sign of ending. Despite the bull dust floating around about government debt without it the crisis would have been more profound in this country as elsewhere. The mobs ideology is a stranger to this reality. They have made an issue of and campaigned on debt and in government they will be responsible for its management. Let there be no mistake, there will be a sting in the tail of this (the debt) strategy.

    All indications are that our economy is going to experience a downturn. Though the extent cannot be determined it will be significant enough to bring the Company's stance on debt and sensible appropriate economic policy into conflict. The Company will need to decide between two alternative. To go with commonsense, or, to hold true to their present stance. To have a sensible approach to debt management in the interest of the economy or to maintain their stupid position on debt so as to save face.

    So they will (if elected) be in a quandary. If they decide to save face by maintaining their anti Keynesian the economy will suffer along with their claim to superior economic management claim. If they take the sensible approach to economic management it will be at odds with anti debt propaganda. Either way way they will be stung.

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