IMO the making of Rosie Batty Australian of the Year was wrongly...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 142
    IMO the making of Rosie Batty Australian of the Year was wrongly made and imo proven this week when she vindictively demonised Mark Latham who she must known had been ill much like how Kevin Rudd was ill at the time Julia Gillard took over. Mark had appeared to have recovered from his illness but people like Rosie don't seem to care about other peoples recovery in trying to regain their self respect by getting back into the workforce even if on radio.. Rosie decided she to wanted to prove a point using the same methods Julia attempted using with her Misogyny speech against Tony Abbott who luckily was strong willed and did not buckle under her now famous feminist but pre-prepared speech.

    The manner in which Rosie appeared to pounce onto Mark Latham's comments about the speaking circuit displayed to me anyway, her vindictive manipulative nature where she is attempting to break the male bronco by feminising the men in society.

    Women like Rosie Batty attempt to change their men to mould into puppy dogs for their own ends but it just does not work nor should she try using the ALP to feminise every male in the nation. There is evidence that both Penny Wong and Tanya Plibersek are attempting just that on Bill Shorten at the ALP conference by abstaining on some voting issues. We never really knew how Rosie Batty treated her late husband and whether she drove him to madness or did she manipulate him while he was ill and why he did the unthinkable in murdering their child because no one has asked before she was awarded an Australian of Year Award. The why can only be answered by Rosie to some degree and the rest of the reason will never be known but for the ALP or LNP to accept her as the expert on male emotions is truly foolish imo especially as she failed to implement her own so called miracle cure which she and her feminist supporters have accepted as the best way forward by blaming the men alone.

    I don't know why more men physically batter or kill their partners than women murder their partners but I bet more women mentally manipulate their men more than men do to women. Women are manipulative and judges in courts if honest will tell you so and the men who suffer the greatest mental trauma any evil woman might try inflict such as humiliation on their partners would result in some to take their own lives by suicide or car accident or drowning's or just disappear. My experience comes from working at the Public Trustees listening to mostly women reporting the death by all manner of unusual means , hanging, drowning, car accident, overdose etc of their husbands or boyfriends with background information they just needed to get off their chests. No women who may have played a part in their partners death is every going to be quizzed by the police or freely admit to the coroner that she might have or played a pivotal role in the consequential death of their partner. The suicides of men are not counted as part of domestic violence statistics which are blamed on men as inflicting on women when a direct bashing or murder occurs.

    Lets do more research on why women like Rosie Batty lose their children or increase the risk of losing their own lives by the words and actions they perform either knowingly or unknowingly play in the cause of their men to crack and do the unthinkable before we blindly follow with the Rosie Batty plan.
    Last edited by Gillysrooms: 27/07/15
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