round 1 to the pro-carbon tax protesters!

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    A GetUp email:

    ""Both camps say today is the beginning of their battle over the carbon tax... If numbers and noise are anything to go by, round one goes to the supporters of a carbon price" - Channel Nine newsreader Chris White after Saturday's rally.

    Dear butcherboy,

    Congratulations. This past Saturday, as a few hundred pro-pollution protesters gathered in Melbourne, you and 8000 other Victorians turned in force in Treasury Place with a simple message: we will not allow our future to be hijacked by fear.

    It was an amazing sight as the eyes of the nation turned to you and saw what real people power looks like. In case you didn't see the impact you made on the national news on Saturday, check out this video:

    I know that many GetUp members are involved in local climate action groups, or with our friends at other organisations across the climate movement. It was incredible to see everyone come together to make Saturday's rally such a success - so thank you and congratulations to everyone who made it happen, including Australian Conservation Foundation, Australian Council of Trade Unions, Australian Youth Climate Coalition, Beyond Zero Emissions, Climate Action Network Australia, Climate Emergency Network, Environment Victoria, Greenpeace, Locals Into Victoria's Enironment, Moreland Energy Foundation, Oxfam, World Wildlife Fund, 350, Melbourne's community radio stations.... and all of the other groups involved (sorry if I forgot anyone - it's such a huge list)!

    The next six months will be crucial. Pollution proponents are well-resourced, well-connected and are putting everything on the line in a desperate effort to get away with being able to pollute for free. What they didn't count on was you - an army of everyday Australians willing to fight for the future of our climate.

    We may not have mining magnates, carbon czars nor polluters' press - and all their money - on our side, but we do have the numbers as you showed this past weekend.

    The corporate carbon polluters have deep pockets lined with dirty money, but we've never run away from a fight and we're not about to now - especially with our climate and country's future on the line.

    You've turned out in huge numbers, now help us turn up the pressure and continue the fight against the polluter lobby's campaign where it counts: out on the streets and on the air. With just $10 a week we'll continue what you started and fund the fight for our future until we win the battle for a price on carbon.

    As a climate champion, you know what we're up against. Ultra-rightwing politicians, millionaire radio shock-jocks and corporate polluter lobbyists are trying to engineer a dangerous lie - that Australians are mobilised against climate action. They've ripped it straight from the US Tea Party's playbook. If we don't call their bluff, our politicians will have their hands tied to climate inaction.

    With your $10 a week, we'll be able to beat back attempts by the anti-climate campaign to win the battle for public opinion - like we did last Saturday. Together we'll:

    events like the 8,000 strong family rally in Melbourne to dwarf rallies against climate action. This costs real money: insurance and first-aid, staging, sound systems, power-generators, placards, posters etc.
    investigative research to expose the vested corporate interests and dirty money that's funding the campaign against climate action;
    rapid-response radio and TV ads to counter fear with facts - particularly in the Independents' electorates, which are being targeted for ad scare-campaigns against climate action; and
    cutting-edge online tools to help you effectively advocate for climate action: connecting to talk-back radio, calling politicians and writing to voters in battleground electorates.

    Congratulations for Saturday - and here's to everything we can achieve together in the weeks and months to come.

    With hope,
    Simon, for the GetUp Team

    PS - This past Saturday you proved that when our future's on the line, you'll be on the front-lines. We've won the battle, but only with a war chest for the fight ahead can we change the course of climate action in this country. $10 a week can make it happen. Click here to fund the fight for our future."
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