Royal Commission into Defence Force suicides announced., page-126

  1. 46,202 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    While our expectation is that the USA would come to our aid I also think its more likely that some of the members of the Commonwealth are likely to be even more reliable. Having said that, Australia imo is not under any actual threat from anyone and maintaining good relations in our region is a good policy. As to the super powers we can only pray that none ever go insane and militarily provoke each to the point of conflict because there can be no winners in such a scenario. They should realise that but I guess there will always be hawks who tell us the threat is imminent that play into the hands of the massive weapons industry. The super powers will ultimately hopefully work together because not doing so is a futile option. Conflicts will largely come from smaller countries that have oppressive regimes and it will up to the super powers to contain them.

    Provided none of the super powers wind up with maniacs at the helm the world can focus on eliminating poverty and the threats arising from climate change which is something every country can contribute towards. That is a surer way to a peaceful world.

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