Royal Commission, page-22

  1. 1,835 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 89

    I have long disliked the concept and apparent nature f not just HFT but also the 200ms advantage some member traders seem to get according to some documentaries and investigations.

    Many times my mind has traveled down the thought process of the market apparently being an even playing field but this seems almost a comedic thought at best. Why are some pigs more equal than others? Why can't that be changed? How?

    I have thought a lot about this and there are no simple answers to offer. So, I offer this simple possible framework for a solution.
    1. Over (for example) a 1 second period (1000ms) retail and other orders are placed onto the market.

    2. Each order received in that time is assigned a number - for example, a simple numeric order starting with 0001, 0002, 0003 etc.

    3. At the end of that second of time, random numbers are generated. These numbers are in turn assigned to the original order number.


    0001 = 678
    0002 = 225
    003 = 967
    ....and so on.
    One second after the orders received and assigned they are then executed on the random number order assigned to them. I know, some big players are not going to like this, especially those who pay big money to be very close to the main system.

    This would take away the 200ms flash (the goal of this process) and instant trades and small profits and weird sales would not exists. I imagine we have all placed a "market price" order that somehow gets chipped. It isn't perfect but I feel would help to provide a more "Fair[er] Market" for ALL traders and not just the select few.

    In very recent times, cab licenses (in some areas) have been bought back in the light of the Uber situation. Not perfect but it is working. The above could and would disrupt the big dollars being received by the 7 pillars of big and fast data in Australia. Maybe some kind of buy back of this data would also have to happen or maybe we should just legislate the practice out.

    If a more honest and fair market was created from this system, I wonder if this might offer more liquidity to the market. More trust and a more open market.

    Obviously, there are a number of variations to what I have suggested and I would be very keen to hear any ideas. Perhaps its something that could be considered if a fair market is wanted and valued.

    Either way a great conversation.

    Last edited by Periculum: Formatting issues. Can Mods please delete the above version. 29/05/18
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