rudd and labor expose incompetence!!, page-7

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Knew a bloke who worked for someone like this once.

    He left that company to get away from him.

    Sadly, his persecutor co-incentally also moved companies later - to this poor bloke's new company. Where he was once again top dog boss once more.

    This friend, the nicest and most easy going of men, and good at what he did. went out into the bush one day, parked his car, got out the hose, and it was curtains.

    Can't say whether or not such a description would fit any well known politician. People can draw their own conclusions.

    I just know the awful tragedy and havoc such people leave in a trail behind themselves.

    A Nation, similarly, certainly does not need ANY leader who displays such dangerous dysfunction. Whomever that could be.

    Which is why we should ask ourselves - is THIS person up to the job?

    Apart from that, J. Gillard is unfit to govern based on her casual attitudes to National Security meetings alone.
    She sends in a bloke in her stead who is a just a body guard, with NO required official security clearance. And he sits there and listens to highly classified information?? Because she's too busy to attend?

    That in itself is a national disgrace.

    But tribes will always vote for their tribal leader. No matter how bad, evil, or inept they are. And that is the problem we all face.

    Some people will never, ever, budge.
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