Gillard cannot sack Rudd on the basis of the latest revelations....

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Gillard cannot sack Rudd on the basis of the latest revelations. They are, after all only opinion.

    If she had a big majority, she would sack him - eventually.

    But to do so now, then there's a by-election - and bang goes her government. More than likely. So she will be defending him and his capablities like mad. How the worm turns! Bet she is loving this Christmas break getting her off the hook.

    Rudd, of course, could resign and bring Gillard down. So then he is living a charmed existence! He can do, and get away with, anything! And is laughing his head off whilst he has this "knife" at HER throat!

    Wikileaks is a mammoth issue. It have huge "butterfly wing"
    reverberations which can never be stopped.

    Getting to the heart of it, we must always rebel at being kept forever "in the dark" by our "betters", who have access to facts and information we can always only guess at, or live in constant ignorance of. But WHO are these "betters", and how do they think they qualify to know things we will never ever be told.

    Who really killed President Kennedy.
    The truth about UFO's. etc. etc.
    Issues which only scratch the surface of what we don't know.

    We, the masses, are treated like ant colonies to a large degree. Just get on with your work, and if you put your head up and ask questions, we'll stamp on you.

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