rudd and wikileaks, page-22

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    PS: Grit your teeth stuff -

    we're paying for the imminent Rudd luxury world tour!

    This one'll be lavish! He's hardly been off a plane since he got elected in 07.

    Bet he'll be ordering the Moet over the Yellow Glen wherever and whenever he gets the chance. And the hotels'll be 6 star. Make hay while the sun shines I think it's called. Julia won't dare quibble over the subsequent bill. And taxpayers will have to cop it.

    Just WHAT is the purpose of this latest "fling" anyway?
    To quell the laughter? If I look solemn they'll think I'm credible?

    Who WAS the winner of this farce in the long run! Rudd of course. He gets all the perks. She gets all the worries and cops all the flak.
    And he is, for the next three years, unsackable.

    The best job in Australia!

    Karma catches up with Canberra - Gillard has to grin and endure it. What a comedy!
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