rudd con

  1. 761 Posts.
    this is what the electorate is falling for, quite unbelievable really.........,25197,25310832-20261,00.html

    Don't ever call him the do-nothing Prime Minister

    Size: Decrease Increase Print Page: Print April 09, 2009
    Article from: The Australian

    Kevin Rudd on ABC's The 7.30 Report on Tuesday, continues the theme that he acts while the Opposition sits

    BROADBAND has to be done for the 21st-century economy. The alternative is to sit back and do nothing.

    Kevin Rudd at the Brotherhood of St Laurence Jobs Forum on Sunday:

    I CANNOT stop this global recession from crashing across Australia's shores. But I can act to cushion the impact of the storm once it has hit. The alternative is to do nothing.

    Kevin Rudd at a London press conference on April 1:

    YOU can either sit around and do nothing, as some recommend back in Australia, or you can act and have a go.

    Kevin Rudd on March 30:

    ONE approach is to stand back and do nothing and let the markets rip or, alternatively, governments acting to step into the breach.

    Kevin Rudd in parliament on February 26, on indigenous disadvantage:

    THE transformation of communities and of lives will take many years. The alternative is to do nothing.

    Kevin Rudd on December 8 on his stimulus package:

    THE Government understands that we'll be criticised for how some of this money is spent, but the alternative is for government to do nothing.

    Kevin Rudd in Peru on November 22 on regional disaster management:

    WE can either stand back and do nothing or, as governments, we can act together.

    Kevin Rudd on carbon emission reduction with the ABC's Chris Uhlmann on July 17:

    WELL, it is going to be tough but the alternative, Chris, is to do nothing.

    Kevin Rudd, on June 30, 2008, on computers in schools:

    YOU can either do nothing about the computer needs of our next generation of Australian kids, or you can say, "How do you prepare them to use the information superhighway?"

    Kevin Rudd, on May 8, 2008, on methods of controlling inflation:

    IF we do nothing, if we sit on our hands like the alternative government is suggesting, then the responsibility for reducing inflation will fall to the Reserve Bank's blunt monetary policy instrument; and that means further hikes in interest rates.

    Kevin Rudd justifies the FuelWatch scheme to Today show viewers on April 18, 2008:

    YOU can either sit back and do nothing, or you can act.

    Ray Hadley on Sydney radio 2GB yesterday:

    THIS is typical of the Prime Minister. He won't surrender himself for interrogation, he goes on the FM networks where a really serious issue is what colour tie are you going to wear today. So he appeared this morning on Merrick and Rosso on Nova and they do a very good job but the likelihood of them asking about Craig Thomson is two chances: none and Buckley's. And what they were concentrating on was what people would spend their $900 bonus on. So while the rest of the nation waits for comments about interest rates, the roll-out of broadband and why one of his backbenchers has allegedly used brothels with a corporate credit card from the union, he wants to go on an FM radio station. And that's why he'll remain popular. Because he does populist things.

    Kevin Rudd on Merrick and Rosso on Nova 969FM yesterday explains what he would have done with the $900 handout:

    SOME people accuse me of being a nerd from central casting but I'd probably go down the bookshop and buy a couple of books I've been waiting a while to buy, a bit of music, that sort of stuff.

    Barack Obama in October 2002:

    SADDAM poses no imminent and direct threat to the United States, or to his neighbours ... in concert with the international community he can be contained until, in the way of all petty dictators, he falls away into the dustbin of history. I am not opposed to all wars. I'm opposed to dumb wars.

    President Obama addresses US troops in Baghdad on Tuesday:

    FROM getting rid of Saddam, to reducing violence, to stabilising the country, to facilitating elections: you have given Iraq the opportunity to stand on its own as a democratic country. That is an extraordinary achievement.

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