Simple fact is now in Australia, 4 million Australian passport...

  1. 107 Posts.
    Simple fact is now in Australia, 4 million Australian passport holders (many old enough to be voters) were born overseas and they are never going to vote for anyone other than a left wing Labour government, BUT these same people will fallover themselves to vote in a republic and rid Australia of her proud past.

    Saint Kevin can bring on the ETS & try to tax the sky out of the one industry that holds Australia together, give money away to the people who pay the least tax, with Gillard wasting as much money as possible on some bumbling school project while raiding Australia's future fund to help pay for it all, and blaming "WorkChoices" for everything along the way !!(has she done anything else in 3 years?). With Swan creating as much debt as he can organise and then say it's 'saving' Australia, and another on that hard left Labour front bench is the climate change lunatic Penny Wong, who also has nothing to show after 3 years.

    Will not matter... Kev WILL get another three years, until Australians really sit up and take note of what is happening to Australia. If Australians were as quick to show loyalty to Australia, as they seem to be to their Qantas frequent flyer program, then Australia would not have clowns in government and 3rd world migrants voting in Australia and telling us we are a racist country !!!

    Must add that the pay should be a lot higher for politicians, as to attract the best people.

    ... and again Singapore leads the way on all of these issues. Australia should take careful look at Singapore.

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