rudd govt ets will bankrupt aussies, page-4

  1. 1,261 Posts.
    Agreed Dave. Caring for the environment is one thing we all support but ignoring the scientific facts on this issue i.e lack of increase in warming in the last ten years creates unneccessary economic pressure on me and my family. The problem is that this issue has been too much of a vote-puller and there has been such a lack of parity in the argument that it has become an exercise in brain washing. We may never see fair reporting on this issue but all I'd ask is that the tabloids put aside a small column in their dailys dedicated to the facts. I support a lot of green initiatives but this green 'industry' is getting bigger and governemnt commitment will follow suit. As Austrlians we have a right to know what real results will be achieved through an ETS and at what cost. Chris
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