socialist paradigm is to keep the poor poor and helpless.To make...

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    socialist paradigm is to keep the poor poor and helpless.

    To make sure they are envious and hateful of those in the community who have managed to escape the learned helplessness and welfare dependency and have bettered their condition.

    Class envy and hatred is a potent and potentially lethal weapon that socialist dictators hold at the throats of those who have some savings.

    gillard, in her attempts to stifle opposition to her ever changing policies and back-flips is trying to destroy elements of our democratic system and thus set herself up as one more of the current collection of socialist dictators.

    Thank God for Iron-man Tony Abbot for standing up to her and doing his best to maintain the crucial elements of our democracy that is currently under threat from these labor socialists and their union thug controllers.

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