This is a reflection of the grandiuose idear some of these ALP...

  1. 1,850 Posts.
    This is a reflection of the grandiuose idear some of these ALP nutters have of them selves, what the hell do people from Australia think there doing ratteling around a lame duck left wing consortium like the UN .We are a member of the COMMONWEALTH isn't that enough !!! ...obvioulsy not for these imoral grandstanding creeps.
    There's about 50 CITIES around the world that have a bigger population than we do.Sure where generous people and we have in the past suooprted our neabhours , when needy .. Mr howard sent a billion $$ to indo afte the tusanmi.
    Rudd has a dammed hide when he did nothing to progress indigenoious peoples conditions ..many still don't even have running water and basic hygien..all he could do for them was use them in grandstanding his sorry piffle.
    he also all but completly ignored the people in the pacific and the phillipines as PM in there recient times of need
    that creature rudd is discusting!! he's happy to shell out other peoples money when he can see something in it for himself , If i was incharge of Australian customs I would'nt let the him back in ..either that or lock him up in a detention center ..when he decides to turn up.
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