Rudd has Morrison's back, page-4

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2

    1. I am not the person who wrote the article, that's Laura Tingle - one of Australia's finest and most trusted investigative journalists
    2. I played no part whatsoever in approaching Kevin Rudd to undo the damage done by Morrison and his Muppets [as if] - Tingle reports that it was senior Australian business people despairing at the failure of Australia's vaccine rollout who did that
    3. From the content of the article it appears that Morrison and Hunt have lied to the Australian People about Australia's order for Pfizer jabs
    4. Senior Pfizer executives appear to have been deeply offended by the treatment they received at the hands of Morrison's government
    5. Rudd is reported to have negotiated the fast-tracking of 40 million extra Pfizer jabs for Australia with Pfizer's most senior executives on the understanding that he would write a letter to Morrison who would then formalise arrangements
    6. Rudd's letter to Morrison has been made public
    7. Morrison and Hunt have claimed full credit for Pfizer's change of heart and made no mention of how Rudd was approached by Australian senior business executives to get additional Pfizer jabs

    Morrison is so grossly incompetent that senior Australian business executives are working behind the scenes via a former PM to fix the mess.
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