good onya Kevin......tick off the first Krudd dud...Committing...

  1. 450 Posts.
    good onya Kevin......tick off the first Krudd dud...

    Committing to Kyoto would come at cost

    Labor's goal is to reduce Australia's CO2 emissions to 60 per cent of 2000 emissions by 2050.

    This sounds fine in the abstract - but what might it mean in reality?

    In 2000 Australia's total emissions were about 550 megatonnes in CO2-equivalent terms. So Labor's policy translates into a target of 330 megatonnes of emissions by 2050.

    In the absence of any policy interventions, business-as-usual greenhouse emissions are projected to grow strongly.

    Indeed, the Australian Greenhouse Office's best-case scenario projects that even with abatement measures in place, total emissions will be about 700 megatonnes by 2020 -- which is more than double Labor's 2050 target.

    By 2050, Australia's emissions will probably exceed 1000 megatonnes. In other words, achieving Labor's target could easily be equivalent to eliminating more than 100 per cent of current activities that use fossil fuels.

    xxxxxxxx All of this in order to reduce global temperatures by exactly nothing.xxxxxxx

    The other part of Labor's climate change policy is to ratify the Kyoto Protocol. This is a strange objective, given Kyoto is basically dead in the water. The Kyoto Protocol limits emissions to percentage changes from a 1990 baseline. The biggest problem is not with the targets themselves, but the process by which emissions cuts are supposed to be achieved.

    The ratifying countries were forced to agree to their Kyoto targets without knowing what the costs of meeting those targets would be. This is like agreeing to spend the rest of your life with someone you have only just met during a one night stand.

    It is simply not a credible or sustainable commitment.

    As a result, most Kyoto-ratifying countries have failed to significantly abate their greenhouse emissions and reach their targets.

    And why should they? There is nothing unreasonable about exceeding emissions targets by significant amounts when you are unsure of the costs of meeting those targets.

    Any other course of action would be sheer folly.

    But Kyoto has very little to do with reasonableness. Just ask the New Zealanders. Our friends across the ditch signed up to Kyoto in December 2002, even though a 2001 National Interest Analysis on the case for ratifying the Kyoto Protocol could not decide whether moderate global warming would be detrimental or beneficial for New Zealanders.

    Helen Clark's Government ignored this information and committed her country to a program of reducing emissions over the 2008-12 period to 1990 levels or to take responsibility for the difference.

    In practice, that means hundreds of millions of Kiwi tax dollars will be paid to former Soviet Union countries, which have been lucky to accumulate carbon credits.

    Actually, luck has had little to do with it. The surest way for a country to reduce greenhouse emissions and accumulate carbon credits is to implement policies which wreck the economy - something at which many former Soviet Union countries excel.

    The New Zealand Treasury estimates New Zealand's Kyoto liability currently stands at NZ$708 million.

    This doesn't sound like very much, but this guess is more than double what it was two years ago.

    At that rate of increase, at the end of the first Kyoto commitment period in 2012, New Zealanders will owe about NZ$4.2 billion - or about NZ$1000 per person.

    So, in a nutshell, the main effect of Kyoto will be for New Zealand taxpayers to subsidise bad economic policies by politicians in the former Soviet Union.

    Does Kevin Rudd have similar plans for Australia?

    On the one hand, ratifying Kyoto and committing to a process which has unknown costs seems to be a very strange policy, particularly for someone who constantly bombards us with claims that he is an economic conservative.

    On the other hand, history suggests Labor has a strong record of reducing greenhouse emissions.

    The only prime minister who has managed to do it was Paul Keating in the early 1990s, when he engineered "the recession we had to have" and our emissions levels plummeted.

    Perhaps this is exactly what Rudd has in mind.

    Alex Robson is a lecturer in economics at the Australian National University

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