rudd, hot air, and the state of the nation

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Has there ever been a more motley lot!

    Rudd, so dead and ex-communicated, we thought, now back in full steam. Sworn in 2 days prior, he rushes like Siperman to the US to blowhard, cozy up, and self-preen his cracked image. Talks lots of empty words and gobbledegook over there - most reported by good old ABC socialist media here as some sort of major breakthroughs!

    Hilary Clinton, headlines tell us breathlessly, is coming down under for some meeting - an event, one would imagine, which has been in her diary for months - nothing to do with Rudd re-emerging and his sudden dash.

    ABC headlines also tell us Rudd "had a meeting with President Obama". Well, no he didn;t, actually. The small print reveals Rudd was in a meeting with "Jimmy What's his name" - when Obama suddenly popped his head in for a minute to say Hi before taking off again.

    Meanhile, back at the ranch, socialist chaos is descending fast into farce. They sure know how to run things - downwards.

    A fight over the Speakership. A bun fight. Harry Jenkins must be REALLY angry at his job becoming some sort of price trophy to placate Oakeshott. He did the job well - biased yes - but he knew what he was doing. He does NOT deserve the boot!

    Our border securities are collapsing. Now, every Tom, Dick, and Harry can arrive to a welcome mat, unquestioned, and be put up at some cosy inn with all mod cons, medical support, unlimited QC legal support as high as it can go, and love-ins with bleeding hearts and liberal humanitarians, more concerned with their own "He's a nice bloke" self-image than they are with Australia's very pressing and vital security issues.
    And, more importantly, completely unconcerned about the wider questions involved with this now relentless flood of illegals barging in courtesy of people smuggling crooks.

    Funny how we caved in - and seemingly voted for this state of affairs.

    Remember Madrid - and those horrific train station bombings in 2004? Three days before a general election. which the Spanish conservatives, according to Spanish polls, were on the way to winning in a landslide. Well, the Spanish were so intimidated, so weak, so compliant, so lacking in intestinal fortitude, they meekly caved in, and instead of the conservates being voted in, they caved in to fear and instead elected a heavily Socialist Left Government.

    And so terrorist thugs,(from a religions/political bent starts with i and ends with slam) - NO - it was NOT the Basques!)won! They bombed trains, slaughtered the populace, and changed in doing so cowed the people and changed the whole course of an election result.

    Why? Because the people were too scared. Too weak. Too uncaring to stand up to this onslaught.

    And so it is with our border security issues. Which is deteriorating by the minute. Abbott promised to (once more) stop the boats! As Howard did so effectively.
    As Howard so rightly said - "We will decide who comes to Australia through our borders!"
    Well, at the moment, these decisions are being made by sleazy crooks in the back alleys of Indonesia! And Gillard and her hopeless crew sit back watch, and do NOTHING! In fact, their crazy decisions now are only an encouragement!

    We protest. well, the bravest of us.

    But no - shock horror, It's racist. It's inhumane!
    (Never mind the hundreds of thousands of our own people who are suffering in silence, homeless, in poverty, mental health, disabled, - and who the government does not give two hoots about (no votes in them!) - no one rushes to help them!)

    40% of the population of Victoria now comes from overseas.
    No wonder Labor lost no seats here!
    We shoud NOT be importing doctos and nurses and other skilled workers - we should be "making" our own!

    The people weren't listening!

    Funny how the most advanced civilization in history is going to end up being beaten in civil wars of one form or another (perhaps weaponless) by regimes which are the least technically advanced, the most opressed, and the most ignorant and poverty stricken in history.

    All because we all gave up. Seems we don't care about the futures of our descendants - as long as our own selfish, self absorbed, self centred lives are cosy and cushy, thanks to endless Government hand-outs, and endless Government supervisions of how we are to live our lives.
    we want our hands held while WE live. Don't care about what comes next for others!

    I find it really spineless. And a national disgrace.

    Are we men or mice. I think we are a pack of cringers - to scared to open our traps!

    Europe is going down the tube fast. The average European woman is having children at the rate of 1.4 each. The average Muslim woman is having children at the rate of 3.5 each. In 50 to 100 years or so the Cathedrals of Europe will be mosques.

    This is NOT racist - it is just fact. Our civilization as we know it is aging - and dying through non-replacement.
    Have a look at Japan. Aging - no young generation coming through.

    Have a look at Russia. Average lifespan of a Russian male -58.6 years! The abortion rate in Russia is 70%. Women have a better life expectancy. But the door is opening for China to come in and take over their resources, as one of tghe possibilites. There's no longer any man-power.
    Russia is imploding on itself.

    Unlike climate change which everyone is so neurotically obsessed with and worried about! These are the issues we should be really worried about. We are just NOT replacing ourselves! So called learned people sitting around contemplating their navels and worring about questionable abstracts like climate change and rising sea levels!!

    And ignoring the elephant in the room.

    Which is why we need STRONG government. And strong people. And we don't have either.

    We have this farce in Canberra. A bunch of (mostly) incompetent dolts toeing the Party line with a vengeance, trying to dress this mess up and make it look as if it's working.

    Are we really all this stupid? Are we ALL on opiates?

    Whoever you vote for - we need MUCH BETTER than this!

    You get what you pay for it's said. And you get what you vote for too, unfortunately.

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