rudd iraq and foreign policy

  1. 1,673 Posts.
    In all the blather and smoke and mirrors the Labor Party are dishing up - (not to mention the me-tooing of those who cannot think up one original idea of their own!) it may pay people to look at Iraq - and Rudd's state dintention to pull out our troops ASAP - on some sort of petulant whim - just to be different! And just because he can!! (A bit like the "It's Time for A Change" shallowness - (yet another Slogan!!)
    He will do it just to spite Howard and the US!! (The Left will see that he does!!)

    It may come as a suprise to many who aren;t watching/interested, but the international Coalition forces ARE actually winning in Iraq, and turning the whole thing around very positively. In fact, someone (either Bin Laden or his stand-in) got on Middle Eastern TV the other day whinging and whining and berating their fellow Muslim brothers across the region for not coming in with more support in Iraq, as (they said) things were going badly.

    Well, things are NOT going badly from our point of view.
    And all power to John Howard and our current government that they have stood their gound on the matter of terrorism.

    If you read today's Herald Sun Iraq article by Andrew Bolt (one of the few jouranlists in Australia NOT a member of the Left Wing Media Party so supportive of Rudd and Co) - you will see the reasons laid out by him in point form, very specifically.

    I repeat - things are now going well for the Coalition in Iraq. There IS room for optimism at last. There is NO civil war - casualties are diminishing - and the ir government and the population are seemingly starting to seriously get their act together in terms of acting co-operatively and with more cohesion and working towards a goal for the common good. Yes, there is even democracy! It is NOT anymore the disaster the Left would have us believe!!

    Oh no -but little Kev wil totally ignore this, and he'll have to throw a tanty and make HIS mark on history by upsetting this balance and rushing in there to bring our troops out - never mind what a catastrophic effect this may have on a very finely balanced situation. And all just to make himself look good - and powerful!! A "look what I can do" sort of maneouvre. He might even preside over a march past when the boys come home. That would make good footage! Him on the podium - enjoying HIS triumph!!

    I am afraid we are in for lots of this strutting folks if the Monopoly Party (yes - THE game and THE rule) is installed on November 24th!

    For we will have a monopoly. And heaven help us if so.
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