I completely agree with that. Krudd was an egotistical maniac...

  1. 3,060 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 38
    I completely agree with that. Krudd was an egotistical maniac that was so focussed on his ‘legacy’ that he went mad.

    The overblown stimulus spending was madness. Pink Batts, Dodgy over priced school halls etc.

    The NBN - fibre to the premise on the back of the envelope in a plane was madness.

    He’d be up there with the worst PM’s ever.

    And after all the mess he left behind the silly self promoting git still had expectations of being the UN Secretary General!!!! At least treacherous Mal put a nail in that delusional idea.

    Krudd is still mad enough tot think he and his ideas are relevant. A complete nutjob / fruitcake.
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