rudd referred to as a psychopath, page-10

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    I guess it is the story that is now starting to intrigue all thinking Australians...

    Will the union-bosses step in and dismiss Rudd once again before Rudd reaches the fast approaching steeper part of the decline curve into a complete and public breakdown or will they hold off until after the election given that in reality there is no-one even remotely competent from the failed labor/union-boss/green socialist alliance to replace Rudd?

    I remember a comment from one of those insiders at the time of the first Rudd knifing by his treacherous deputy Gillard and Rudd's highly emotional, blubbery and teary exit that was endlessly replayed again and again on CNN...
    That was to the effect that Rudd was removed for his own good...

    It does seem that we are approaching the same situation again with what seems to be a dangerously unstable, volatile and vengeful Rudd nearing complete and unpredictable breakdown...

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