rudd referred to as a psychopath, page-13

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    Janet Albrechtsen on the curious Kevin Rudd:

    Wayne Swan was correct when he fingered Rudd as a “man with no Labor values"… As PM, he treated Labor traditions with contempt, choosing to visit Cate Blanchett and her new baby rather than attend the funeral of Labor icon John Button…

    Rudd’s only political conviction is doing whatever it takes to get and keep power… Rudd calls for more positive politics only to launch a campaign of negativity. He calls for more civil politics after his three years of treachery to destabilise Julia Gillard. He attacks Tony Abbott for sexism despite his own tawdry history of demeaning behaviour towards a flight attendant and behaving badly at a strip club.

    Rudd’s history is based on shameless political shifts. In 1994, Rudd said his personal religious faith was a private affair - until Family First arrived on the scene in 2004, and Rudd embraced Sunday doorstops outside church and 5000-word tomes about his religious beliefs… Climate change was the great moral issue of our time until the politics changed…

    In 2010, Labor MP Steve Gibbons called Rudd a psychopath… A psychopath relies on superficial charm, makes great first impressions, is glib and grandiose, callous and manipulative, adept at conning people, refuses to accept responsibility for mistakes, is armed with an impressive supply of excuses, hates monotony preferring constant stimulation, and - most critically - has no empathy.

    They never feel bad about anything they do. They are shameless. That’s what psychologists Paul Babiak and Robert D. Hare set out in their book, Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work.

    And this: a person with psychopathic traits often will use language “larded with jargon, cliches and flowery phrases” to make up for their lack of sincerity, becoming social chameleons to hide who they really are.
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