which "campaign" would that be Duicorp -the one Rudd now runs -...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    which "campaign" would that be Duicorp -

    the one Rudd now runs - in his usual dirty, below the belt manner -

    deliberately depriving not only Abbott - but perhaps more
    importantly - US - of ANY courtesy of giving an election date -

    typical Rudd - always hitting blow the belt, professional blowhard, allegedly total fake and serial liar. Making up policy on the run, as he did the first time he was inflicted on us.

    And laughing in the face of boatloads of calulating new boat immigrants - coming in droves now to fleece our welfare systems - deliberately discarding their papers as instructed by people smugglers and bribed Indonesian officials - AND then often drowning people - (does that fill him with glee too?) - the drowned people whose tragically lost lives are soley on Rudd's head!

    Rudd STARTED the boats. He could care less. As long as he wins the crown. (History full of people like him - walking over dead bodies (real, and figurative) to attain their main aim - top job.)

    But like many accused of mass murderers, he refuses to admit he ever made ANY mistake, in this, or anything else.

    If you want an alleged sociopathic power driven politically manoeuvering madman as YOUR PM, then more fool you. Australia, and Australian families, will suffer - and you'll still be arrogantly laughing along with your beloved "Laboring" Party.

    We need truth - and patriotism.

    A tax applied, then taken off, to try and win an election, is NOT "savings". No matter HOW Rudd spins it. It's an escape from already hugely beleagured population.

    Just watch him change his tune - when and if he ever gets in.

    If only one team if fielded - the other side chained in the rooms - who then wins the game?

    Tell Rudd to find some guts - annouce an election date. Call back Parliament. He is THEN only "caretaker" PM - which he just CANNOT stomach - HAS to be King Pin, in his own eyes. Rudd fighting fair is a scenario he wouldn't even begin to consider. He'll win it by any foul means.

    Questions now need to be asked - of this Governor General - the Rudd appointment. What has happened to our rights to a democratic election - the one Labor promised us, EIGHT months out, will happen on September 14th? What about a formal petition, over her head, to the Queen? This now looks and smells of dirty tactics. Rudd doing all and anything to keep Abbott from having a voice.

    Duicorp thinking this fair. A fair summation of the average thinking of the Labor rank and file. Win it by ANY means, fair or foul.

    If Rudd had his way - we wouldn't be getting an election at all - if he could swing it! A born coward, a smile with a forked tongue. (The one which is always darting in and out - to lick his lips in jubilation at this great hoax he's pulling off!)

    People drowning his fault? He couldn't give two hoots.

    Just fodder for the chooks. His aim - the throne! Inspiration? His bitter hate and revenge.
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