rudd romps home in health debate, page-117

  1. 12,609 Posts.
    Obdurate, I think you need to watch the thing

    Since when is an opposition suddenly afforded the luxury of having no policies on anything?? Obviously just a new thing since you found yourselves in opposition! Certainly never applied in the past decade.

    The only policy Tony's come out with was the one he dreamt up in bed the night before and didn't tell his Give us a break. Abbott is simply full of simplistic drivel. Just a calculating, opportunistic mouth.

    Abbott appeared as he always does...... borish, tactless, bullyish, desperate, shifty and generally intolerant. That is what he is. No surprises there. He's a political yobbo. An embarrassment to the party that he represents.

    Malcolm Turnbull, Brendan Nelson, Peter Costello, Joe Hockey.......all reasonable candidates for leader of a political party. This Abbott individual is simply not fit to lead any party....Labor or Liberal, and the fact that he was accidentally elected does not alter the fact. Let the Liberal Party pay for the mistake....not the nation.

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