Rudd saved Australia is probably the funniest joke I've heard...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Rudd saved Australia is probably the funniest joke I've heard for ages.

    He was too busy dreaming up grandiose, self aggrandising cock and bull vistas for his own ego - the 1000 who trudged into Parliament House to come up with "new ideas" and gawp at Cate Blanchett, and other so-called "celebrities". Whatever came of that - and what did it cost?

    Changing the world according to Rudd.

    It's one thing to have new fresh ideas - but don't bring the country to it's financial knees in the process of implementing them. And now they're being augmented and shoved down our throats by his then Deputy - (who went along happily with, and even self-engineered - so many of these grandiose plans which she then said were no longer tolerable). She then proceeds to do worse - without any recourse to a democratic election or public consultation. A free for all of Egos and Spite. With also-rans and twits dictating to her what she must do atg their command. (Wilkie ran third in his seat - for heaven's sake!) Got in only through preferences.

    Rudd did not"save" Australia - he plunged us into an even worse abyss - and we now have installed the worst Government in Australian history. To re-instate him would be
    an absolute joke!

    Meanwhile, Ms. Gillard, a trained lawyer for heaven's sake,
    seems to have entirely lost the plot with regard to separation of powers.

    Last weekend, she got the Prime Ministerial boots out aainst the News Limited hierarchy for publishing material which did not suit her. And this week she has the temerity to lash out at the High Court, and it's Chief Judge.

    Surely this is ego and arrogance gone mad. Or perhaps it's more desperation to stay in her job at any price.

    We do not need "Napoleonic" leaders for some, flying their own pettard, and oushing their own ideology to the obbessive stage. We need leaders for all.

    The Constitution had to be changed - so the public are in charge, democratically, of just who will "rule" them - and, given a resonable time frame to incumbents to make good, allowing the public some recourse to an earlyelection, to vote their opinion on anyone who does not shape up, whatever their party.

    Such a shaky, cobbled together, mish mash of a minority government, bossed about by self-interested opportunists, is massively destructive to Australia's future in this instance. Surely there must be some sort of "out" clause - which still gives us a fair and democratic result.
    Fair to everyone, that is.

    Australians do not take kindly to the feeling of being ruled under someone's boot. Or being at the mercy of someone's ego, arrogance, and ineptude.

    Thre is NO talent in this current mess of a Labor Party. Not visible talent.

    If the Coalition get in, they have to prove themselves. And measure up.

    The public are white hot angry, and absolutely fed up to the back teeth - and will be ultra demanding next time around.

    Worst of all, Ms. Gillard seems to ignore this public anger, or not realise it exists, or pretend it doesn't, and she waffles on as if nothing's happened which is her fault, and all is rosy with the world. It's always everyone else's fault. A bad mistake.

    Why would Rudd (whom it is said his party mates hate) come back and be any better this time round? It's ludicrous!
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