rudd to make formal apology to aborigines, page-211

  1. 58,089 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 16
    stomatjora your solution is morally and logistically unacceptable and unworkable.

    1) Not all ATSI communities are dysfunctional. Some are doing nicely so I think you should restrict your comments and plans to the ones that have big social problems.

    2) The drug abuse problem is almost everywhere so don't single out indigenous communities for critism when the problem is national. In fact there are some drug free indigenous communities.

    3) Forcibly removing children from their parents is only an option in cases of extreme child abuse. Removing them because you think you can bring them up better than their parents can is simply not on in this country today. Sometimes that may be true but where would you draw the line, sorry it's unacceptable to forcibly separate a family except in dire circumstances.

    4) Do you realize that you are talking about relocating thousands of children ? How are they going to be removed ? Where are they going to be placed ? Who is going to care for them ? Who is going to pay for it ? How will you prevent children from running away to rejoin their parents ? These are just a few questions that come to mind.

    5) And if you are serious about ending remote communities and moving them...where to ? Now you are talking about shifting tens of thousands of people from the bush into the towns. Most small and large towns and cities have a housing shortage now so how are you going to house them all ?

    It is good that you are concerned about these issues but you need to be realistic about dealing with them.

    Dave R.

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