If you feel you should apologise go right ahead then leave the...

  1. 2,223 Posts.
    If you feel you should apologise go right ahead then leave the country and curse your ancestors for coming here in the first place after all that's what you are apologising for, the sins of your ancestors.
    Of course you could always ask them permission to remain here and keep on supporting them with your taxes.
    A far as I'm concerned some of the CURRENT generation should apologise to me for wreaking havoc in my neighbourhood with complete disregard for public property and wrecking the houses provided to them with MY taxes.
    I work my ar#se off every day while they lay around getting drunk on MY taxes.
    And don't give me this "disadvantaged" sh#t, we have had migrants come here with the ar#se out of their pants and in a few years made a life for themselves. The aborigines have been here all their life and still can't make a go of it. They have the same opportunities (if not more) as everyone else, they just won't have a go. That's not my fault.
    Go ahead apologise, but don't think it will stop there, it'll just give them another reason to pull a few more hard earned dollars out of your pocket.
    I’m sorry that they were mistreated by the early colonists but I don't feel that I have to apologise for the sins of my fathers, just leave me out of it and get on with THIS life.
    And don’t stick the “racist” tag on me, it won’t fit, I have friends of many nationalities .
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