rudd to make formal apology to aborigines, page-99

  1. 4,287 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    atomou, if you feel so strongly about it then move out of the country, hand your little piece of it back to the rightful owners and compensate them with all the benefits that have flowed to you personally.
    Even if you can't compensate all of those you believe deserve compensation, doing it for one person would clear your conscience and you are not left at the mercy of the politicans who may not do what you feel should be done, or even worse, undo it all.
    You are not going to do that are you? Perhaps you feel that it is not your responsibility, or that you have a right to what you have, even if it has been gained at the expense of those you claim are so hard done by.
    Whilst what happened in the past may have been happening generally all over, much of it was a battle between individuals, such as what happened in this part of Australia. It was the frequent droughts that sealed the fate of aboriginals here as diminishing supplies of water drove the settlers and the aborigines together as they each tried to hold what water holes were left for their own use. It was not governments, or the laws, but merely two different people forced into situations of having to survive the vagaries of nature.
    Nowadays given the infrastructure built by the settlers, the country can sustain a much larger population irrespective of where they come from, without forcing them into confrontation in order to survive.
    Now isn't that a much better situation for all parties?

    If it was individuals that performed so many of the acts that you grieve over, then surely it is individuals that can rectify them as you would like it too be. It is in your hands to do something as much as it is anyones hands.
    So what are you going to do about it personally?
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