Rudd is just a typical member of the failed clown circus that...

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    Rudd is just a typical member of the failed clown circus that makes up the union-boss controlled labor party these days...

    Of course it was Rudd's fault, but under the situation of:
    - both Rudd and Gillard's disasterous failed leadership,
    - the collection of clowns, stooges and scoundrels that made up the labor party
    - the domination of the labor party by union thugs and their union-boss controllers
    - the haphazard and outrageous wastage of taxpayer funds
    - the disasterous "open borders" policy and conversion of our navy into a free taxi-pickup and pizza delivery service for welfare-shoppers
    - and the rest of the entire catastrophe of the lost 6 years of the failed labor/greenie/union-boss regime
    it is quite unlikely that anyone could have come in at election time and salvaged much from the wreckage left by the labor party...

    Until the labor party rid themselves of the control and domination of the lawless and ruthless union bosses and rid their ranks of the shady collection of union-thugs, stooges, clowns and scoundrels they present to us as our potential leadership, then labor will be on the nose for most thinking Australians and they will be largely left with their continual and failing attempts at the personal destruction of Tony Abbott and his wife and daughters, which seems to be the only strategy the union-bosses still are clinging to...
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