rudd's average australian??, page-40

  1. 3,012 Posts.
    Splitupalip my story goes like this.

    My sister use to be a labor voter because may Dad was she is now a liberal voter because her husband told her she should be , why changed I asked her?
    She said they where better off under John Howard as they got the baby bonus x2.
    Beats the hell of only $900 she says , not that she complained about that either.

    Both sides Pork Barrel.

    Commodities price are going to be high for the next thirty years plus,China and then India will need our product.
    The BHP and Rio Tinto's are corporate raiders who brought there operations at the bottom of the commodities cycle , they brought the best of the best deposits at a bargain basement price and even at the low point in the cycle these operations were earners , so the risk was low.
    If they were told in x years time the commodities price would be this and the government was adding a profits based tax at this rate , they still would have brought these operations and even would have been willing to pay more for them.

    Its not the end of the world and it won't kill off mining investment.

    Find out what the facts are.

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