rudd's bombshell on the kevin rudd show, page-21

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    Rudd has admitted that there were labor 'doubters'...
    yet the public was led to believe that only the Opposition was against it....
    What a revelation...and Mr Rudd didnt seem to realise the importance of that detail....imo.
    Tony had 'Labor' sympathisors..

    Oblivious to the enormous credability that gives Tony and Co...Rudd humbly admitted a mistake.
    The mistake was to blindly back the ETS, gag the labor dissent, hide the truth that there was ANY discent...and back off a flawed policy...that copehagen renegging clarified...
    and still ....some need to save the world from CO2??

    Thank heavans we ASX hasnt merged with the Singapore exchange...because the trade of carbon isnt a scientific
    saviour...just a market money machine set to destroy our economy..imo.

    Perhaps the banks are committed...but the whole issue is twisting itself into such ridiculous knots..trying to please those already invested in it and buy public approval.

    Thanks for the bombshell Mr seemed unnatural just on a human choice/statistc basis...that ALL Labor were for CO2 /ETS/save the world GW...there had to be some against it..
    and now we know...they existed, they wanted it dropped and were gagged or at least totally hidden from the public.

    Wheres the democracy in that?

    There is a more rational way to promote new forms of energy but it may not enrich those operating a carbon market that effects all markets and delivers enormous powers to non sovereign bodies.

    Best thing Mr Rudd has done for the country...
    come clean about dissent in the Labor party re this crucial policy..
    Now Julia Gillard has been forced to backflipp over it...
    When will it just go taxes can be spent on doing more constructive things?
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