rudds defence build-up alarms beijing, page-3

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 352
    In the distant past, the Emperor of Black Cathay was a bit worried about the Mongols. So he sent a trusted spy out to report on their activities.
    Some time later the spy returned, did the customary kow tows etc, and was asked by the said Emperor what his report was. He said the Mongols were making many arrows and gathering many horses.
    This upset the Emperor. To upset a Chinese emperor was not a good idea, used as they were used to yes men, so he had the spy executed for upsetting him, and forgot about it.
    Soon after, the Mongols invaded and took Black Cathay, what happened to said Emperor do not know but could have been skinned alive, roasted slowly on a spit, etc. Mongols were like that.

    Well, the Chinese are gathering many horses and making many arrows. Preparing cyberwarfare. Us? Head in the sand, or football on TV as usual. They are also moving in on Fiji. The triads came first. Now it is the Chinese regime. Money. Banimarama gets two dollars from China for every one in EU aid removed. Probably the time we looked after our own backyard. KRudd, dont get too excited about Afghanistan we have our own problems right here, more pressing. China is also playing games in PNG, the Solomons, etc. We and NZ might need to invade Fiji to restore democracy to the population. Not SAS. Straight Army, Navy, Air Force. Suva and Nadi first. Contact chiefs before moving. This Banimarama Mussolini cannot be allowed to stay. This is our patch. Oceania. Maybe we should send aid and train the Tibetan resistance. Two can play that game.

    Its a lot to do with the Taiwan phobia the old waxworks generals have. They took Tibet no problem, then Hong Kong, just paperwork. They claim most of the South China sea, including Vietnamese and Philipino waters. Their next agenda is Taiwan. Then perhaps even a chunk of Siberia if they think Russia is weak enough (dream on) They think face is involved. Big thing over there, face. But Taiwan isnt going to fall over easily in the face of sabre rattling. They have the US behind them hopefully and us. Or do they? We dont even recognise them. Too afraid of China. After all they are only a little democracy.

    China are quietly building up stocks of raw materials. Might this in part be in case they get hit with short term UN sanctions/supply cutoff if they monster Taiwan? Of course, they would veto any world military action against them in the Security Council. Raw materials are where the rest of the world has BIG low cost leverage (not for Oz, high cost) Its also why they are doing all sorts of smelly deals with rotten regimes like themselves to get less risk here. eg Is the mideaval Sudanese regime going to cut off oil to China? No.

    But waait,.... lets see how popular a bloody war would be with the Chinese populace most of whom have been sensibly restricted to one child.
    An army of soft mothers boys with made in China equipment.
    Are the mums and dads going to be happy to see the only son, number one son, go off to war? No wucking fay. Especially "party" members, who will pull every string to make sure theirs are not sent. Lead from the rear. Not sent anywhere things are going bang anyway.
    That is where the real danger to the waxworks generals and even more the regime will be. Might make Tienanmen look like a Sunday picnic. Revolution from within. Riots in the streets, nation wide. No illiterate ignorant reserves to bring in this time. There is no way they could sit on it if it was emotive enough. This could be the trigger for huge change in China. They really havent had to do any serious fighting since Korea, and a lot has changed since then. There arent too many serious Communists left in China. No one is that stupid. Chinese facists, yes. Thats what Communist means in Chinese realpolitic.

    The biggest lesson of the last 100 years is never give a facist an inch. If you do, they want ten miles. Uber Alles.
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