ruddslide: debt, distortion, denial

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    This could be an interesting next few months.

    Paul Sheehan
    February 9, 2009


    Kevin Rudd's credibility as an honest politician, as a man who does not engage in evasions and distortions on a grand scale, finally began to seriously erode last Tuesday, when he rose in the House of Representatives at 2.34pm to elaborate on his latest proposal to save the nation.

    His opening words painted an epic portrait of danger, with himself as the man for such an hour: "The Government today announces, with an unfolding national and international economic emergency, a $42 billion Nation Building and Jobs Plan to support jobs in the near term and invest in the future generators of economic growth in the long term."

    Note the use of the term "emergency". Despite the scale, complexity and thrown-together nature of the stimulus package, everything was of the utmost urgency. To delay was to invite danger.

    As a former Labor leader, Mark Latham, observed last week: "They have jumped all over the financial crisis, not with a clear economic strategy in mind, but with an urgent sense of the political opportunity it presents."

    Rudd's office has received advice about the triggers required for an early poll. Not next year, but this year. An ambush election. This provides logic to the otherwise pointless and stage-managed urgency to rush this enormous, slapped-together set of six spending bills through the Parliament without even a semblance of due consideration by the Parliament.

    An ambush election in 2009 has several advantages. The worst of the recession has yet to hit Australia, and it could get much worse (which is why the Opposition wants the Government to give itself more room to respond by restraining its response).

    Rudd is way ahead of Turnbull in the polls, but his numbers could be dragged down along with the economy. An ambush would also pre-empt the Opposition from turning to Peter Costello, whose presence casts a long shadow over the House. It would keep Julia Gillard quiet for another three years.

    Above all, an early election would buy Rudd time to deal with the disconnect between his rhetoric and his performance, such as this lightning bolt delivered last Tuesday: "Australia is in a stronger position than these countries because the Government built a strong surplus last year as a buffer for tough times."

    This is blandly recorded in Hansard without a hint of what was going on in the chamber. It was noisy. Not from interjections, but from laughter. The opposition was laughing at the Prime Minister's gall.

    His government had not "built" a $20 billion budget surplus; it had inherited one, part of a massive $90 billion financial firewall left behind by the Coalition government. Within the Rudd Government's first full fiscal year, that budget surplus would be gone.

    It had taken 11 years for the Howard-Costello government to unwind the $96 billion federal debt left behind by Labor in 1996. It had taken 11 months for the Rudd Government to commit to debt on the same scale.

    I was sitting in the public gallery during question time on Tuesday and noted that not just the Opposition were laughing at the Prime Minister's comment, but many in the gallery. They got the joke. Perhaps they also saw the growing disconnect between Rudd's rhetoric and reality - on immigration, the environment, job creation and economic caution.

    In the parliamentary debate that followed, Rudd and his ministers claimed the Opposition, by opposing the stimulus package, was voting in favour of higher unemployment and against the welfare of children. It was Orwellian. No one in the Opposition had suggested the Government should not embark on a major stimulus package. Nor that it should run a temporary budget deficit. They simply wanted a smaller, more productive package.

    Malcolm Turnbull was more impressive in this debate than Rudd and his rank and file did not need to be rallied. The party room that night was a hotbed of concern.

    About 30 minutes later, the chamber was distracted by an altogether different kind of disruption. About 10 demonstrators in the public gallery began chanting: "Stop the intervention! Human rights for all!"

    Members sat in silence as security staff bundled the protesters out of the gallery. It was a rough reminder that the Howard government's intervention in remote indigenous communities is still largely in place.

    It was also an ironic reminder of another grand distortion Rudd had uttered in the same chamber a year before, on February 13, 2008, when, in issuing a apology to the indigenous peoples, he repeated what I regard as the most reckless accusation ever told about Australia: "Between 1910 and 1970, between 10 and 30 per cent of indigenous children were forcibly taken from their mothers and fathers; as a result, up to 50,000 children were forcibly taken from their families; that this was the product of the deliberate, calculated policies of the state."

    This was lifted straight from the Bringing Them Home report, even though it had been challenged by scholars and in the courts. But in keeping with the spirit of the occasion, nothing was said.

    It was only Kevin Rudd's second day in Parliament as Prime Minister. Ever since, grandiose distortions have flowed from the lips of Rudd. Finally, last Tuesday, there was a spontaneous combustion of revolt.

    'It was clear what the party rank and file wanted to do. They wanted to fight. And they wanted to speak.'
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