& are you ready hanrahan? i hope so..my source X said, just be...

  1. 3,323 Posts.
    & are you ready hanrahan? i hope so..

    my source X said, just be ready..i said what's the catalyst event, 'they' need a catalyst event, hmmm again not to promote-incite fear and doom but for all you reading this to prepare whilst there is time.

    source X said just be ready..


    i don't know how the Aus $ is going to fare and how exactly this will play out but if your head is happy in the sand then please stay there if it makes you happy :)

    some more info/tidbits..2/8/2012

    they're getting ready for the Global Reset folks, what they call a reevaluation of countries currencies around the world.

    ultimately what fares well for the countries involved, crashes the American Dollar because fiat money will no longer be accepted or allowed, all currency under the Global Reset rules must be backed by precious metals..in other words back to the gold standard the Rothschild banks removed America's currency from decades ago replacing our gold-backed money with FIAT (worthless) money backed by Nothing...

    and this is why our gov has been preparing for massive civil unrest and martial law...it's Regime change folks! Global Reset, then NESARA then...we're knee deep in the Alien New Age agenda by then...

    if you bought Dinars as I suggested a while ago you will be cashing in and making money OFF the dollar crash instead of being a victim of it... www.dinarbanker.com is a US treasury backed website where you can buy Iraqi Dinars, one of the countries whose currencies is going to re-value when the Global Reset is announced...for $300 you could buy 250,000 Iraqi Dinars...after the reset most claim that could be worth anywhere from $750,000 on up, not to bad for a $300 investment...

    expect the reset to happen anytime within the next couple of months, but it could technically happen any day now...they hold the strings in their hands and no one knows when they're going to pull them, the banks have just been getting ready...and so is our gov.

    Government Silently Positions for Martial Law as Financial Collapse Arrives in America


    well maybe it's an external event, i certainly hope not :(


    whatever it is it certainly must be close now, please take care all in the times ahead and when the human microCHIP implantation process begins next year in 2013 or towards the end of 2012 for God sake all reading this please refuse the mark of the beast and do not receive anything the government enforces upon you without your will or consent, Get implanted with a microchip and your technically dead already to say it straight..the global reset will only last a short time before the NESARA economic 'beast system' takes over, you'll see in time :)

    take care everyone and 'boyz scouts' motto hey
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