The date is not important to me and my family. We are after a...

  1. 6,752 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 5
    The date is not important to me and my family.
    We are after a result.
    I have replied to my local candidate Craig Kelly and we are poised like minute men to help to the best of our ability.

    Apart from the whitlam experiment I can't think of a darker period of government for Australia.

    The quicker we tackle the debt, return certainty to Australian industry, restore the confidence of workers the better.

    Rudd is a sick man and the sooner he can get therapy the better for us and him. He can check into the Betty Ford clinic or institution of his choice again the better for him and Australia.

    Bolt is pre taped so the Ruddmeister will know if he should go now on how bad he looked or be tempted by the selfie with Obama at the G20,
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