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Below is a screenshot of a dated article from July last year...

  1. 608 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 118
    Below is a screenshot of a dated article from July last year showing us how much the poor people of Manono are waiting for the Manono project to be allowed to progress to mining and production stage (blue highlights are mine).

    Further down below are two clips:
    The first one shows Moïse Katumbi - one of the presidential candidates - visiting Manono ~2 months ago. Notice how much support he gets from all these poor people. At ~1.58 he talks about Manono lithium project being stalled.

    The second clip, a bit dated as well, shows AVZ legal coucil John Kaninda explaining the state of affairs regarding the Manono project.

    English subtitles are available for both clips.





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