AVZ 0.00% 78.0¢ avz minerals limited

Running discussion on SP, page-80215

  1. 12,557 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1209
    On or about 24 December 2021, the Criminal Court in Lubambashi handed down a judgement, with
    Dathcom and Mr Johnston in absentia, to the effect that:

    • the new share certificate along with the new shareholders’ register both identifying AVZI as a 75%
    shareholder of Dathcom were forgeries;
    • Mr Graeme Johnston (as the managing director of Dathcom) as well as the registrar of the RCCM
    were complicit in that forgery;
    • Mr Graeme Johnston was sentenced to three years in prison;
    • Dathcom was ordered to pay damages of US$50,000,000; and
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Currently unlisted public company.

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