Rupert Murdoch pulls Abbotts strings, page-9

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    since we are such good friends now we can be more informal...

    We already have a pretty good idea what the union-bosses will demand their stooges of the labor party do if they manage to steal another election from the Australian people and it is likely to be much the same as the disaster of the failed Rudd/Gillard/Rudd clown circus...

    - re-introduce carbon dioxide tax to strip-mine cash from the community

    - tax the mining industry to death and bankruptcy

    - run up even more massive debts on the sovereign credit card of Australian borrowing rights with no plan or idea of ever paying any of the ever growing debt off

    - continue to nurture and expand the welfare dependent underclass that forms a recruiting ground for predatory leftist hate-groups, online propaganda trolls and of course a monolithic voting block that only responds to promises of increased welfare/dole payments at election time and thus predictably votes labor/greenies

    - allow unrestricted rorting/looting by the criminal gangster union-bosses and their orgainized crime empires masquerading as unions to establish more control if the community

    - destroy the middle class and corrupt our public education system

    - dismantle our border control and encourage unrestricted immigration from the islamic countries bt offering a prize of lifetime welfare freebies to those who arrive via criminal gangster groups of people smugglers and traffickers

    - full-steam ahead into a Greece/Spain like financial disaster with unworkable, unreliable, weather dependent energy sources like solar PV and windmills with the accompanying well known greenie job destruction factor of some 2 to 4 real productive jobs in the economy lost for each greenie make-work job created by the government

    - continue international gaffes and brain-farts across the world making us into the poor white hillbilly trash of Asia on an accelerated timetable...

    Might have missed a few things out, but even you should be getting the picture by now...

    Of course for radical leftists, this is all a dream come true....
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