russell on the bush speech

  1. 374 Posts.
    January 29, 2003 -- Everybody's asking me what I thought of Bush's State of the Union Speech. Confession -- I wasn't listening to the words as much as I was listening to the music. There was nothing unexpected in the words; he said about what I thought he'd say. Everything's going to be OK, Saddam is a murdering monster, and we're going to remove him. In other words -- war.

    But it was the "music" that I thought was so interesting. Why the periodic little smirks from Bush? Why the little smiles of satisfaction? It struck me that Bush was very pleased with himself. It struck me that Bush was very sure of himself. It bothered me that I didn't see a hint of humility. Bush seemed totally sure of his "mission." Anyway, his whole demeanor bothered me.

    During WW II I've seen guys like that. But that was before combat. Guys who've been in combat don't act that way. They've seen the blood and torn limbs, they've seen the screw-ups that always occur, they've become humble. They've seen too many good men die.

    Anyway, that's my "emotional" assessment of Bush and the speech. Don't tell me I'm wrong, because that's the way I feel about Bush, and of course, it's just my own feeling.

    People are incensed because I called Powell a "lackey." I don't take it back. This week Powell got in line with the Bush view. Powell, to my mind is a professional politician who always "gets in line" with the boss.

    Rumsfeld is an ex-college champion wrestler who exists to overpower his opponents. He's just not my "cup of tea."

    I trust these guys about as much as I trust Alan Greenspan, who, to my mind, is basically a little squirt with a giant ego.

    So what do I think of the whole Bush administration? I'm not quite sure, but I don't have a great, comfortable feeling about them. Too many thing about them bother me. Of course, I doubt if I'd feel any better about a Democratic line-up either. Suddenly the democrats are against big deficits. Really? Give me a break.

    So c'mon, Russell, who or what do you trust? I trust the markets. I trust the stock market. I trust the bond market. I trust the commodity market. I trust the precious metals market.

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