Russia offered Afghan militants bounties to kill U.S. troops, page-69

  1. 29,636 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    why is it so easy to bypass some paywalls ...

    ok - for that story, watso has the full article - but who knows - maybe that was one of x amount of freebies for the month ..

    for what it is worth, but sometime ago, watso worked out a sneaky way (a watso exclusive - ie not an online suggestion) to get into bolt's blog .. but that roundabout has been closed down .

    anyway - this from the smh article

    Before the questions, the story so far. The New York Times broke the news. It reported that US intelligence officials and military officers on the ground in Afghanistan became curious when they found a big stash of US dollars in Taliban hands. When the Americans questioned Taliban prisoners and conducted other inquiries, they discovered that Russian operatives had paid the money last year as a bounty to encourage the Taliban to kill coalition forces. These included American, British and other NATO troops.

    the bottom line is - who particularly cares - even if true..

    all this nonsense about russian interference in the american elections - totally meaningless, when the americans involve themselves in the political processes (including elections) of foreign countries .. mm also american were actively involved in assisting the taliban (called mujahadeen- at the time) to kill russians .

    anyway, the ruskies seem to be pretty good at developing cheap and nasty weaponry (eg ak47, tanks, planes etc) .. mmm even if the ruskies are paying a bit of a bounty - then that is a far cheaper method than what the americans used to kill russians, via the taliban .

    who knows and who cares .

    americans who sign up to defend america from 10,000 km from american shores - well they should expect to be killed - because they are not wanted in that part of the world
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