Maybe it's a bit of 'tit-for-tat' since Theresa May immediately...

  1. 18,356 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 178
    Maybe it's a bit of 'tit-for-tat' since Theresa May immediately accused the Russians for the Skripal poisoning BEFORE anyone had investigated or any proof was available. There is still no definite proof - there never can be, other than 'who had to gain the most' from such a poisoning at such an unpropitious time?

    By 'gain' I mean 'public sympathy' for military action against the old enemy. By 'unpropitious' I mean that the world is weary of the Middle East conflict and to rally support the old passions have to be roused to gain approval of the Western public and participation of all the allies.

    Theresa May wants to strut the world stage again hand-in-hand with Trump - she'll probably hand over Gibraltar to the U.S. as yet another military staging post (control over the Mediterranean).
    Tony Blair fell for the siren song of power when he went all cosy with George Bush in the proposed military action against Iraq (and got rid of Gaddafi his old 'friend' in the most horrible way - yes I cheered, too, but it was the beginning of chaos in the Middle East and totally unwise).

    I quote:

    'Tony Blair defied two of his closest aides in promising George W Bush the UK would back him “whatever” – setting the country on an inevitable path to war'.

    However I wouldn't put it past the legitimate or even rogue elements in the Western forces to 'plant' and 'enact' certain scenarios. With modern equipment and filming techniques everything is possible. For me to point the finger at one of them is impossible; - there are too many players in the Middle East who stand to gain from the chaos a broken Syria would deliver and, it seems one of Trump's promises was that he would withdraw the U.S. from the Middle East wars; however there are two Western leaders; May and Macron who would gain approval from their disenchanted voting public for a militaristic stance.

    What nobody in the Western press seems to have cottoned on to, is that Putin's now has the full support and adoration of his people; he is going to play that ace card for all it's worth and perhaps my first paragraph could pertain to Russia. Curious and curiouser!!!

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