the west's interventions in the middle east have been a...

  1. 29,893 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    the west's interventions in the middle east have been a disaster.  the arab spring was all about regime change - and what a disaster that has turned out to be ... to support regime change in libya - the brits etc provided air support to anti gaddafi forces - and look at the bedlam in libya today.

    lucky that egypt has gone back to a government backed by the military

    the west then thought that the removal of assaad, in syria would be  good idea - and provided backing for anti assaad forces - which in the end meant providing money and weapons to the ISIS mob - and look at the mess that has created.  at least syria had russia on their side - maybe russia provides the bullets for assaad - and probably support him in the UN.

    is russia concerned about ukraine???? - you bet, it is their back yard .  the US get involved in distant wars, when their interests are threatened - so who can blame russia for doing the same.

    anyway - back to syria - the USA, contributed largely to the mess in that part of the world - but now they better do something to fix it - to deal with the IS mob.

    IS used to be ISIS, or ISIL - which was the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis)

    oh - and what area is included in the levant (from wikipedia)

    The Levant (/ləˈvænt/), also known as the Eastern Mediterranean, is a geographic and cultural region consisting of the "eastern Mediterranean littoral between Anatolia and Egypt".[2] The Levant today consists of the island of Cyprus, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, and part of southern Turkey (the former Aleppo Vilayet).

    View attachment 14545

    oh - israel is part of the levant - and the way the headloppers are going, if they are not stopped, there will be a lot more head lopping, as the IS mob aim to take control of the levant

    one thing for sure, is that russia has meddled way less in the middle east, than have the europeans and the americans - it sort of makes them look like the good guys
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