Russia Ukraine war, page-126245

  1. 5,834 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    Nothing comparing to Saudi or Iraq oil production, but $45m a month is a nice amount. It is not about the oil production or money; it is about a perverted actions by the USA, and complete disregard for the internationally accepted principles of sovereignty, as outlined in the UN Charter. Crying wolf when another country does similar, is laughable.

    Non - invited force occupying a portion of a country, controlling and selling natural resources, training, arming and supporting the opposition troops in their fight against the government of the country is just one example how the US foreign policy works. Any person who does not condemn that, is an absolute looney for callimg Russia's actions in Ukraine unacceptable and a breach of the international laws. How many western media are reporting on the situation in Syria and the breaches of every known international convention by the US in that country? I have not picked up on any western country, NATO, EU asking for tough sanctions against the US for their conduct.

    President Donald Trump says he expects the United States to benefit by millions of dollars per month from Syria's oil revenues while US troops remain in the country.
    The Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has responded by accusing the US of "stealing oil" from his country and Russia, a major supporter of Mr Assad, has called it "international state banditry".
    So who currently controls Syria's oil production and who benefits from it?

    "We're keeping the oil, remember that. We want to keep the oil. Forty-five million dollars a month."
    Donald Trump
    US President
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