Russia Ukraine war, page-126709

  1. 2,200 Posts.
    Yes, because a court only investigating on one side of the geopolitical camp is nothing but a propaganda organization equivalent to a rubbish bin as it violates the principle of in pari delicto equal treatment of equal offense.
    No, because the world has tolerated the Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine for over 70 years against UNSC resolution of 1948 and therefore Nemo potest facere per alium quod per se non potest No one can do through another what he cannot do himself.
    Yes. Because the Hetman of first Ukraine nation Bogdan Khmelnitsky had allowed Crimean Tatars to capture over 200,000 Ukraine to be sold as slaves in reward to their cavalry service to the 1648 uprising against Poland-Lithuania commonwealth and therefore Nemo potest venire contra factum proprium No one can act in a way contrary to his own prior actions.

    Last edited by dragut: 09/04/23
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