Russia Ukraine war, page-127567

  1. 17,419 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 197
    I just add as democracy voted against gay marriage then voted for it and now is your current wielded on democracy advocate.

    Its smart .

    its got lots of ammunition to change that option of how it changes and its their because we cant change the senate it can tell change you over time.

    I was once convinced .

    She is one of the biggest grubs you have ever seen in parliament imo

    Our current system has been shit if fied to allow the lowest vote to get the highest position.

    Sorry they dont understand that in russia the lowest common denominator gets the rewards.

    Anywhere know where they allow the least voted in person have the power of the prime minister?

    You cant be prime minister if your in the senate .

    Under democracy you can .
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