and just let it get guy. Survival of the smartest...

  1. 3,655 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 179
    and just let it get taken...

    smart guy. Survival of the smartest (a spin on survival of the fittest)

    Because why sacrifice your life for patrotism - which is such an old fashioned concept, not really relevant anymore in the multicultural societies
    we live in today. I mean who cares if Russia is in power or a Ukrainian, as long as Im ok, and have my job to go to and a home to go to after.

    Apply that to Australia if you like (an extreme case) - where China invades and takes over Oz. Would I give a s..t if they are the govt, I mean
    what difference does it make to me? The trams will still be running, the shops will be open, Ill still be going to work (of course they wont cease
    the economy - why would they???? My everyday life will be the same.

    In Poland there was a survey, which asked: What would you do if Russia invaded? Would you fight or flee the country..

    The result: 45% would flee the country asap, 35% unsure, and only 20% would fight. LOL
    If I was a Pole, Id get the hell out of the country straight away, cross the border into Germany the next day.

    My Polish lady friend has a 17 year old son, and she is a bit of a patriot, and she is in favour of increased defence spending.
    I put this question to her: would you send your son to the front in case of war?

    This really confused her, and she didnt want to give me an answer and I could see the confusion in her face.
    I answered the question for her: you'd get the hell out of the country together with your son, and it was obvious in her expression
    finally she nodded yes.
    And I said : I got ya, youre not such a patriot as to sacrifice your son's life for some stupid political border....
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