Russia Ukraine war, page-166585

  1. 2,669 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 47
    Yeah lets "ber" brutally honest huh?

    So You're Drunk right now huh tangs?

    "shall we both ber brutally honest ??putin did it because he thought he COULD ....but he couldn't ,russia weren't good enough and Ukraine held them up long enough for the west (not just US ) to supply arms gradually Now US / Europe aren't unhappy at all I'm sure to see putin weakened ....but the primary aim is not just to stop russia from taking Ukraine , but to stop russian expansion in Europe permanently .Whether or not that involves regime change in russia or russian economic collapse isn't the most important thing ..... just that a precedent is set that this russian empire building is topped and russia restricted to within it's own borders .this after all was the whole purpose of NATO all along !This is why European support is so strong and united ."

    Tell us all somewhere that Russia expanded in Europe recently as opposed to NATO tangs? Tell us all where Russia practiced Regime change in Europe either? Tell us also where Nato has remained neutral and non expansive over the last five decades as well tangs despite no threat from Russia?

    Your reading like a Covid Karen here, Go get your shots, go get your updates. Just Cause! with Zero actual reasoning or cause at all behind you type at all.

    Tell us all what Minsk 1 and Minsk 2 meant tangs ? Tell us all what those agreements involved. I'd lay odds you have never even read them up till now have you? Merkel and Boris knew what they meant at the time, that's why they never let them get signed, tell us all that the U.S has never had any inside political involvement in Ukraine either and that Bidens Son Hunter was just a really good um... oil or gas type dude who knew stuff right?

    The absolute ignorance or willful ignorance that you and your crony's display here on this subject daily is obscene and the everyday dedication trying to support the obviously flawed point of an "Independent" Ukraine is likewise ridiculous as well.

    Ukraine can not even keep it's lights on at this point in time without Western support, can not pay it's Politicians or Civil Servants nor even it's School Teachers without Western funding. Ukraine is the epitome of a Vassal State at this point in time, wholly owned by the West at every point of it's current existence, and not even by the balls as it has none any more.

    Ukraine only exists right now due to the largess of the U.S and NATO at this point in time and Zelensky is nothing more than a mouthpiece for those who control his Cocaine supply.

    The Combined might of the West, Nato, The Eu, the U.S were/are unable to even supply basic ammunition or equipment to Ukraine in sufficient quantity after just a year to what was just a year ago supposedly Europe's largest army outside of NATO.

    Russia has destroyed that Army twice over and still out supplies the West in both ammunition and equipment all while handling Western Sanctions with ease to boot landing itself at number 5 on the worlds largest economy's recently.

    Three months ago Russia was ridiculed for sending troops to the front lines with nothing more than shovels at Bakhmut which they took a few weeks later, Now we have the new lexicon and place name in Ukraine of Bradley square named after the grave yard of many, many U.S IFV's smashed and hammered by Russia in attempts to breach just the line of contact against Russia.

    It will be an interesting next few weeks before the Rains begin for everybody, Ukraine has nothing left except for drone attacks to distract from the losses and failures on the front while trying to hold the minimal ground it has taken but if Russia does counter attack where are Ukraine's defensive line preparations and with what troops? Ukraine just issued a new mandatory major mobilisation again for all areas and winter is coming.

    Russia meanwhile is yet to send the extra troops it has been training for the last 5-6 months to the front and has sent up to 50,000 troops to Belarus along side Wagner troops as well. Just for training and that mind you like the NATO mob do, all this while Russian troops report an increase in Polish speakers all along the front from Kupiansk down to Zaporizhzhia on the radio's during battles.

    Are there no capable Ukraines left to direct and control fighting anymore?

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