Russia Ukraine war, page-170855

  1. 407 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 17
    Russian impact on their neighbours. that what is was referring in my crap statement. What is in Russia its their problem or their good thing.
    I used belarus as example because that is what it means to be friends with Russia and Ukraine tried to avoid it fully for decades until Yanukovich fully tried to sell his country to Russia.

    It is NOT a lie.

    What did they target there

    or here

    Russia is using variety of long range missiles at Ukrainian towns. Precise are used to target civilian infrastructure and other important targets, imprecise ammo is targeting whole areas of city striking random builidings. Like Iranian drones. and again. it is russia fault for shooting rockets at ukraine. if they did not shoot them these people would not die.

    "1973 or 1983....the Soviet Union doesn't exist anymore....there is no communism in Europe anymore or Russia" who talks about communism? It is about Moscow involvement and corruption of whatever it touches. the last 40 years I witnessed showed russian interference to result in worse situation for those who got involved with Russia. hence why every country who could tries to join the west, including Hungary which is so happy to side with Russia but is happy to be in EU and NATO.

    "Russia is a much better place to live than all the Baltic countries Poland Lithuania Estonian Moldavia, Romania, these are all poor countries with high levels of corruption and government control over the population're deluded I'm afraid."

    I am polish. I have family in Poland, who travelled to Ukraine and Russia, Lithuania, estonia, I have been to Romania, Czech, i interacted with ukrainians who came to Poland for work cause it provided them better income and possibilities than in Ukraine.

    And Russia is NOT better places than central Europe. Moscow and Petersburg are decent places to live in, comparable to Poznan, or Vilnius. rest of the country outside few other selected areas are really poor, undeveloped. forgotten by Kremlin still living of failing soviet infrastructure. It is not good. Where majority of Russian live. Kaliningrad for example, is horrible. so much poverty. its scary as it should be a thriving area with sea, beautiful nature, historical buildings. but old stuff is crumbling, sea is not developed, nature is polluted. ""Residents of Kaliningrad are 65 times poorer than EU citizens, and also considerably poorer than people living elsewhere in Russia. Almost one-third of the population lives below the subsistence level,"

    "Furthermore there are many Poles who want the Ukrainians out of their country..... and happy that Russia stopped cheap ukkie grain flooding the market.
    have you checked back with Polish people and what they think?.... i don't think you speak for the Poles? you certainly don't speak for the farmers of Poland who celebrated the cancellation of the Black sea grain deal."

    Yes I do check regularly. Poland is fully supporting Ukraine. It is weakening though after 1.5 but majority of country is pro-ukraine and wants Russia to get the f out. especially since they do not want russian tanks on polish border again.

    And do you know much about what happened with the grain deal?

    So low quality grain from Ukraine supposed to pass through poland to be send overseas. nobody had problem with that. then scummy people started to buy it and mix it with better more pricy quality grain, polish one. then selling it cheaper but at the same official quality, resulting in grain prices dropping hurting farmers. Thats the issue. market manipulating and scummy acts by distributors. so not anti ukraine.
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